Congrats to Hailei Manthei on her job shadow today at Irwin Avenue Animal Hospital!
Hailei is pictured here with Owner/Veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Aschenbrener. Thank you, Dr, Aschenbrener for having Hailei!
Congratulations to our new National Honor Society members and current members. We are so proud of our kiddos!
Concord Schools views the education of our kids as a partnership between the district and our parents. Please consider completing our parent satisfaction survey. The link has been emailed and also follows this text.
Tomorrow, Judy Clark will be at the High School (near the office) from 12:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. to conduct a voter registration drive. If you haven't registered, we hope to see you there.
The Concord chapters of NHS and SADD are hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, October 3 from 8:15 until 2:00 in the HS gymnasium. There is an urgent need of all blood types, so please consider donating. Thank you!
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications will expire October 5th if you've not renewed your application. See attached photo for income eligibility.
Thank You to Mrs. Arbuckle's 2nd grade class! I enjoyed reading to you...what a great group of kids!
The Homecoming Parade will begin at 6:00 p.m. tonight. Parade Line Up begins at 5:30.
Concord Schools will dismiss at 11:05 tomorrow. The heat index forecast has pushed up well over 100 degrees. Lunch will not be served. The start of the football game has been pushed back to 7:30. The parade is still scheduled for 5:30. If it gets pushed back we will let everyone know ASAP.
It's a bird, it's a plane NO, it's Concord Middle Schools own super heroes!
Food For Thought is looking for volunteers to help with backpack distribution. Each week 80 backpack are distributed to concord students to ensure they have enough to eat over the weekend.If interested please email
Tonight's Board Workshop is a Community Forum open to the public on the November 7 Bond Proposal. 6:00 pm start in the high school cafeteria.
Concord Schools Community Tailgate tomorrow. Food will be ready by 5:45...The band Poet and the Beat begin playing at 5:15. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Just a reminder we offer before and after school care from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Call Cody if interested at 517-740-0167
We're mobile! You can view athletic schedules, lunch menus, news, and more from our mobile apps.
Just a reminder that Meet Your Teacher/Open House is tonight. CES 5:30-6:30, CMS 6:00-7:00, and CHS 6:30-7:30
Join our Concord Team. View job postings at
Get your meal application processed before school starts. We are now processing free/reduced meal applications at If you have any questions call (517) 990-3603.
Concord Community Schools is now mobile. Search "Concord Community Schools" in the iTunes or Google Play App stores to download our app.
The PTO Worker Bee days are August 12th and August 13th, 8:00-5:00. Volunteers are needed for touch up painting and some outside landscape work. Contact Tasha Thurman 517-588-9844 with questions.