High School Students Only! The dance will be on October 4th, beginning after the football game and lasting until 11:00 p.m. Please make sure all guests are signed up in the office. You must be at school on 10/4 to attend the dance. The attire is Semi-Formal, but it is optional.
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Hoco dance
Homecoming is next week! The High School dress-up days are as follows:
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Dress -up Days
This is your last chance to sign up for the blood drive TOMORROW from 8-1. We still have opportunities available to donate. If you are interested, please email Ms. Taylor at kayla.taylor@concordschools.net.
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Concords Food for Thought Program is back for the 2024-2025 school year. The backpacks are full of free, wholesome food furnished by Concord Food for Thought’s Weekend Backpack Program and the Food Bank of South-Central Michigan. The Weekend Backpack and Pantry Program is strictly voluntary and confidential. The family of any pre-K-12th grade Concord student who is at risk of missing weekend meals at home is encouraged to enroll. Please see sign up sheet below. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the FFT program by email , Concord.FFT@concordschools.net or reach out to your students building office.
3 months ago, Concord Schools
FFT Program
Our preschoolers have been busy enjoying many hands-on activities. Last week they enjoyed music therapy with Denise from Harmony Garden, they continue to practice their writing and scissor cutting skills,they are learning about nature, learning new songs, enjoying books, playing dress up, participating in cooking activities, and will be having their first session of Children's Yoga with Yoga Rhonda tomorrow. This is just to name a few things they have been up to. We would love to have your 3 or 4 year old join in on the fun. Contact Kim Brooks at kim.brooks@concordschools.net it you want to learn more about our amazing team and program. Your child does not have to be potty trained to attend.
3 months ago, Concord Schools
Please see the attached coaching position.
3 months ago, Concord Schools
The first blood drive of the year will be next Friday, September 27th, from 8 to 1 PM in the high school gym. Individuals who are sixteen and older are eligible to donate. Interested students can come to see Ms. Taylor on Monday to sign up for a time. Students who are sixteen will need parental permission. Community members are also welcome to donate. If you are a community member and are interested in donating, please email Ms. Taylor at kayla.taylor@concordschools.net to set up a time.
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Job Opportunity -Food Service
3 months ago, Concord Schools
CHS Career Day Announcement!
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Career Day Oct. 25th
Attention Freshman through Seniors! Upcoming College Visits at CHS- sign up in the Main Office!
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
College Visits
Save the date!
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Albion College Visit, specifically for Albion residents.
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Albion Visit
Tuition Preschool and the Great Start Readiness Preschool Program is in full swing. The students had a fun-filled first week of playdough play, making strawberry popsicles, exploring their new classrooms, making new friends, and learning the routine. We still have openings in the 3 and 4 year old Tuition Preschool and the 4 year old FREE Great Start Readiness Program. For more information contact Kim Brooks at kim.brooks@concordschools.net or call 517-524-6650. For the 4 year old Great Start Readiness Program, you can scan the QR code.
3 months ago, Concord Schools
Tuition Preschool and the Great Start Readiness Preschool Program is in full swing. The students had a fun-filled first week of playdough play, making strawberry popsicles, exploring their new classrooms, making new friends, and learning the routine. We still have openings in the 3 and 4 year old Tuition Preschool and the 4 year old FREE Great Start Readiness Program. For more information contact Kim Brooks at kim.brooks@concordschools.net or call 517-524-6650. For the 4 year old Great Start Readiness Program, you can scan the QR code.
3 months ago, Concord Schools
Community Tailgate
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Concord Band Boosters need your help! They are working hard to get our Band students new Uniforms and raise funds for other financial needs of the school band. Their Cash Raffle will take place the Month of November. See flyer for details.
3 months ago, Concord Schools
Band Boosters
Would you be interested in hosting a foreign exchange student? Two students, one from Australia and one from Brazil, are currently in another district and need a new location. If you are interested, please contact Mindy Gallant at bcmindy@gmail.com.
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Please see the following Job Opportunities that Concord has to offer. We would love to have you part of our ONEHIVE Family!
3 months ago, Concord Schools
Jackson County Manufacturing Trade Show!
3 months ago, Jill Snyder
Manufacturing trade show flyer
Jackson County Manufacturing Day!
3 months ago, Concord Schools